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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 3: Aesthetics, Design & Branding

On the front page you will see a big slideshow of apples current products with a nice color changing background. Looking through the pages I found that some took longer to appear then others, I'm guessing that might be there server or the size of the content they have on there pages. The three potential problems that I came across was the slow loading of the page, not enough information on products, and over sized images on almost every page. I liked the use of colors that where used and how neat and orderly each product they had was placed on the site, it made it easy to find what you were looking for.

The website is very simple but with a lot of text, right away your hit with a lot of information. I don't think there's enough graphics or pictures on the site to catch your attention to want to read whats on the page. I'm not to sure who the demographic would be but the upside is it has a lot of information for people to read.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week: 2 ---5 business websites

Luvs Diapers










Week 2: Difficulty communicating with a business

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business?

I personally haven't had any trouble communicating with any businesses but I have seen my sister have  a few run ins with them. My sister has a 5 month old baby and was using luvs diapers which she found not to be the best suited for her, she tried for days to call customer service to write a compliant but never got in touch with anyone, so her husband decided to take a picture of the experience with the diaper and post it on there Facebook page and within a couple of hours they had someone from the company get in touch with them about their issue. I was amazed to see that all it took was a little social exposure for a company to respond back to a customer, it does seem to be the fastest more eye catching way. I believe there use of the companies Facebook page turned a negative experience to a positive one cause not alone were they heard , they also got to inform other customers on there experiences with the companies product and I'm sure it made some kind of change even if it was a small one.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 1: Social Media/ Template Choice

Which social media platforms seem geared towards personal use and which ones seem to work better for business?

I Haven't come across to many but from the ones that I have came across I think Facebook can be used for both personal and business. I personally use it to stay connected to my family and friends and I also follow some of my favorite shows that have their own facebook page. I believe over the years for businesses it has turned into a great platform to stay connected to it's consumers and interact with people in such a personal level. It also gives companies advantages when they see competitors post's and follows comments on products and etc.

Twitter: I believe is one media site that the entrainment industry has taken over a lot. The use of hash tags is everywhere now a days, you see it in music videos , tv shows, and commercial. I see more the entertainment and business side getting more use of twitter then personal.

Instagram: Is one I think is a more personal use then business because its geared more to people sharing personal photos of there choice allowing for others to comment on. I believe in the future business will find a way to incorporate it more then they are now.

Youtube: What started off as a site for personal video use has expanded to both personal and business use. It has become one of the biggest platform not only for people but for business to get things out there and seen to millions of people.

Template Choice 

I ended up going with an template that really caught my eye. I love abstract and bright colors which is one of the reasons I choose this template. I also liked the fact that it wasn't like the rest I found it really unique and eye catching.